Tuesday, 16 August 2016

The Blog Begins

I have been a Guardian Angel for a a few centuries: my memory of anything more than a century ago has faded substantially, and so I cannot remember exactly how long I have served the Lord of Heaven in this capacity, and I can barely remember anything about the humans I used to, well, guard. What is certain, though, is that the current state of Earth, in the Information Age, is vastly different to anything I have experienced before. It has given me a new perspective on Earth and Heaven. I have started this blog to work out my thoughts on such matters, and to store them for the future, lest my memory fade.

I was assigned to my charge at his christening. The water was poured on the baby's head, the sins of his ancestors were washed away, and the baby became a member of the Church of God, Ukrainian Catholic Edition. The baby's parents were cultural Catholics, not true believers: they attended church irregularly, and prayer only featured at family gatherings when the grandparents visited. The family appeared happy. The child had two older siblings.

Guardian Angels do not communicate with each other very often. While we watch our charges we do not make ourselves known to them or to each other, and so I do not know who guarded the rest of the family - I assume they did have guardians, having been Christened. We may have met in Heaven sometime, but there are millions of angels in the Lord's service, and so the chances of meeting them specifically are extremely low. We would also be unlikely to start discussing our earthly business with each other.

There is a strict policy dictating when a guardian can intervene to help their charge. A formal request has to be submitted to the Powers that be, who approve or disapprove as they see fit. This process only takes moments, and we can submit our requests to the Powers directly from wherever we are.

For example, a few years ago someone tried to mug my charge. He was walking down a street, at night, texting on his mobile phone. The would-be-mugger was walking towards him from the opposite direction, and, when less than two meters away greeted my charge with 'Give me your fucking phone'.

My Michael glanced up from his phone, saw the knife, and started running without giving an answer. The would-be-mugger gave chase. Seeing this, I quickly sent a request to the Powers, asking to trip up the mugger or some similar simple intervention, to ensure Michael's safety. The response arrived a moment later: 'Unfortunately in this instance your intervention request has been unsuccessful. DO NOT INTERVENE IN THE HUMAN'S AFFAIRS'. So I didn't. A moment later, Michael turned round to the mugger and yelled 'OK, you can have it, but it's a shit phone: look at it!'

I was there when Michael bought that phone for £10, new. The mugger-to-be slowed down, glanced at it, and sped up again to run past him, yelling 'Well fuck off then'. My assistance was not needed. My assistance has never been needed. All I have done is watch. Not a single one of my intervention requests has been approved; if my experience is shared by other Guardians, we could say that God seems to be taking a non-interventionist stance these days.

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